How Badly Do YOU Want It?

Tony Robbins is quoted as saying “Success is doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want.” Do you agree with this quote? Does it mean success is living the perfect life? For most of us we are aiming for success and a perhaps perfect or near perfect life. We can do this via the development of SMART goals. Sometimes it’s just about aiming to be worry free! We all know this don’t we? And so why aren’t we all successful in achieving what we want? Why haven’t we achieved our full potential or achieved success yet? If we know what we want and how to go about it, we should realise what we need to do and when, what discipline to use and why we chose it to get what we want. If you know what you

Grateful or Gripe! Keeping It Simple!

simplify, business,simplicity
Are you one of those people who are always appreciative of everything you have or are you one of those who complain about everything you don’t have! How grateful are you for what you have, where you are and what you are doing? Or are you one of these people who might expect nothing less! Do you regularly show your gratitude about how things are or focus on griping about how things should be and aren’t?! As quoted by Melody Beattie “Gratitude turns what we have into good enough”. Zig Ziglar said, “The more you gripe about your problems, the more problems you have to gripe about!” As referred to in the Law Attraction, what messages we send out is what is drawn towards us. We might be guilty of taking things for granted, and we do this because it might be what we expect, or have always had, and

Which Pathway Are You On?

Sometimes we just don’t know which way to go, or which path to take. There may be many paths in front of us, and this can feel confusing, particularly if we don’t know which one to take. We are often scared to take the wrong path, but not taking any path won’t get us where we want to be. There’s a great quote by Frank A. Clark which reads “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere”. I think we all know and realise that whichever path we take, nothing is easy, and there are always things that get in the way, and sometimes the obstacles are ourselves. Stretching ourselves outside of our comfort zone can be painful, fearful and often daunting. We need to carefully consider what we do, where we go and when we do it. How can we do this? Perhaps you

What Makes You a Success?

Have you ever properly thought about what the word ‘Success’ means? We know it’s the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, or a favourable outcome or result, and of course we know the opposite of success is ‘failure’, a flop or disaster, in other words a bad outcome. Sr. Thomas Watson has been quoted as saying “To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.” I found this interesting because now we’re talking about having passion, and this passion playing a key part in us being successful, particularly in business. There is another quote which reads “Success does not lie in ‘Results’ but in ‘Efforts, ‘Being’ the best is not so important, ‘Doing’ the best is all that matters…” Unknown Here, we’re talking about success being us doing the best we can regardless of the outcome. As business owners, we certainly

Sometimes We Just Have One of Those Days!

Have you ever experienced those days when absolutely everything goes wrong; nothing goes right; when you sit down to do some work, your brain seems to freeze, and you can’t think straight? We can all have days like that and it’s hard to snap out of it and try to start again. Wouldn’t it be great if we were like a computer and we could hit the reset button, and everything would be like it was? At the same time, we feel like this, we also seem to feel like everyone is against us; nothing is worth it anymore; what we’re trying to achieve won’t work anyway. And it all just seems to go downhill from there, and we have no way of making it stop! It’s interesting why these days happen and what triggers them. Sometimes it might be something that was said, something we heard or something we

Is LIFE your teacher?

What lessons does life teach us? If we were asked specifically about what life has taught us, what might we say? Having given this some thought and being inspired by a colleague recently who reflected on people in his life that had played a significant part in his learning, he concluded that life was what had ultimately taught him and become the main area of his learning. He felt that the lessons he had learned and the changes he had made were a reflection that LIFE was his teacher more than a person! This led me to think about what areas in LIFE do we learn from constantly and these were two areas I felt were relevant – you may have others: Life Purpose – If we don’t have a purpose in life, goals, aspirations or a vision of where we want to be, what we want to be and

LOOK Where You’re Going!

LOOK Where You’re Going! You may have heard the quote by Oliver Wendell "It is not the position where you are standing, but which direction you are going." This has often made me think about what success means and how we can define it. If we believe that success is not the position where we stand but the direction in which we look, then how do we measure success? From this quote it sounds like success is about how we got where we got, what it took and how we worked it out along the way. Booker T Washington is quoted as saying “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” I believe this more clearly explains how we measure our success in that it’s what we have achieved despite those challenges that

No buts….

No buts…. I love books, don’t you? Some books I read for pleasure and some I read for learning and widening my horizons. You might be the same. But! What do we do with what we have learned? Many e-books or audio books are full of amazing and helpful tips and tools to help and motivate us, to enable us to make positive changes in our lives. But! Do we follow through? Do we make those changes or do we ‘intend’ to make those changes but never do? It reminds me of going to a seminar or a workshop and coming away inspired and invigorated, revved up with a desire to take what we have heard and do something with it! Unfortunately, most of us, get back to the real world, back to our everyday lives and whilst the intention is there the energy isn’t or we forget, remembering only

No Regrets

There is a saying: “Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories” I always find it interesting that as we go through our lives experiencing the things we do, that we do tend to focus on the negatives rather than the positives. Why is this I’ve always wondered, because whether an experience is good or bad there is nearly always learning or something positive that we can take from this. Now we know that some of us are pessimists, always thinking the worst can or will happen, whereas others are optimists focusing on the positives and knowing everything will be okay in the end. This saying I feel gives reasons for any and every experience that may happen to us and almost puts them in a box. We have choices to look back on

Sometimes we just need to be shown how!

Sometimes we just need to be shown how! Reece Witherspoon once said, “With the right kind of coaching and determination you can accomplish anything.” Often, we are so determined or stubborn that we want to work things out for ourselves no matter what. To ask for help may not be in our psyche, nor receiving offers of help, support or guidance. Pride sometimes becomes our block preventing us from seeking that help. There are various reasons why we might not think about asking for coaching or help, and often this is dependent upon how determined we are. This reminded me of something that happened to me years ago and I often tell the story over and over to many people as an analogy of how coaching can really help us all and save us time in the long run. I used to play pool many years ago and used to