Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
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Getting the Help YOU Need to Succeed!

Are you one of those people who never asks for help? Because you know everything or think you know everything OR don’t want people to think you don’t know everything?

Perhaps you’ve asked for help but received wrong or bad advice because you’ve asked the wrong people and wished you hadn’t!

You might have wanted to ask for help but didn’t know who to ask.

Using a business coach and mentor can help you gain clarity and direction, however, to help you succeed here are some suggestions you might like to consider:

  1. Our Behaviour – We might have developed ambitious goals which are unachievable. We need to focus on how we are going to achieve our goal by focusing on the process; be able to adapt and be flexible in how to get what we want. We need to ensure what we do is done well, starting and ending with quality, not rushing but keeping focused. Believe in ourselves consciously and sub-consciously and being prepared to put in the ‘nine yards’!
  2. Our Self-Belief – Our self-esteem can often take a knock when we are feeling low or things haven’t gone to plan, but we must believe in ourselves, our plan, our product or service, our idea or business. We need not only to have a vision but believe in it as well as believing in our gut instinct and intuition. We need to believe in ourselves before we start believing in others and this includes believing in our customers and clients and our team.
  3. Our Actions – They say actions speak louder than words and we know our actions will help us get where we want to be. But it starts and ends with us, no-one else. We need to stop making excuses and blaming someone else, but take ownership of ourselves. We need to change our mindsets, from fixed to open, from short-term to long-term; we need to focus on one task at a time, stop trying to do too many things at the same time e.g. multi-tasking, as we don’t get anything done properly that way. We need to start with baby steps to gain momentum, being mindful not to say yes to things that don’t support our goals and vision.

Changing your behaviour, self-belief and actions can help you succeed!

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