Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
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Ponder this why don’t you!

You will have heard of the insanity definition “doing the same thing expecting the same results”?

But what causes us to get stuck in that rut, repeating things we know we shouldn’t be repeating?

We know we should try something different, but we feel we don’t have the time! Ring any bells?

We may have even got to the stage of having fizzled out and bombed, but we must press our ‘pause’ button and take stock of where we’re at and where we want to go!

If we want to work our plan, we need to plan our work don’t we? We need to be productive during each of our working days. We really ought to reflect daily, if not at least weekly, just to see how productive we have been. In other words, how much of what we did earned us money, generated revenue, increased our client base?!

Every day should begin with a purpose, every year we should revise or write our business plan, we know we should be a goal setter and a goal getter!

If we don’t do these things, then our dreams end up being full of regret. We find ourselves being problem-focused rather than business-focused!

We need to see the big picture and work on the detail, in other words do the little things right and do the big things right!

We should be undertaking suitability checks and reality checks! Holding ourselves accountable and providing ourselves with ways in which we can measure our progress.

To help us with this we can develop a personal mission statement. This could be one for our business or our work, our hobby or our personal development. It might be something we regularly review or something we hold dear to ourselves which sits with our personal values, and our business values too.

We need to be responsible – respond to our abilities – take that time-out to think clearly about where we are going, why we are going there and what we need to do to get there.

Be the person you want to be – consider business coaching and mentoring, or find an accountability buddy to help and support you – you deserve this don’t you?

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