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Mary & Rick Jopson – Personal Life Coaching Programme

I would definitely recommend this programme and have already referred Debs’ services to others.

I would recommend this programme to others. If you are looking for self-improvement and having difficulties communicating or understanding people in their lives this would be a great start.

I had a better understanding that we all communicate differently and that we need to identify people in our lives far better to understand them.

It allows you to explain your emotional points and that work and personal life overlaps.

I realised what really matters!!

The programme reignites parts of your life you have taken for granted and become too relaxed with.

Loved learning about iMA Personalities and people’s ‘colours’ as well as the left / right brain thinkers and how we relate to each other.

The biggest takeaway was to take time evaluating situations first.

I loved Debs’ personal approach and that she listened.

Debs helped me hard decision-making.

I found the programme interesting and educational.

A useful takeaway was thinking about life after retirement and how to plan for the future and how to be on the same track as my partner.

I gained a better understanding of why we communicate differently and how to support my partner when under stress.