Great Tips to Keep Motivated

Trying to be and stay motivated is and can be a challenge for all of us. There are some things we love doing, like doing, and those we avoid like the plague which can have consequences personally and professionally, and of course when this happens, it can be a de-motivator. When we’re tired our motivation drops, when we are feeling good our motivation increases, but it can be like a roller coaster with no even ground to keep us on an even keel and keep steady on an ongoing basis. Motivation is the driving force behind achieving goals and overcoming challenges. To be and sustain motivation, consider these four key tips: 1. Set Clear Goals: Define your objectives with clarity and specificity. Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks. This not only makes the journey more manageable but also provides a sense of accomplishment as you progress. Having a roadmap

Managing work life balance

Aarghhh!!! How often are we hearing the importance of work life balance! Most of us know what we should be doing, but often have various excuses why our work life balance isn’t balanced. Some of convince ourselves we will ‘fix’ it or ‘sort’ it next week, next month, next year; soon… The trouble is time just disappears and before we know it we are heading into burnout! We live in a 24/7 world where expectations are high, demands are even higher, and we can often feel pressured about ‘doing’ more and doing it now! We feel we need to respond to that email right now even when we are working on something that is a priority! For some, a career change is what is called for, and when it takes place, we end up in the same situation. We may reduce our hours in work, but often still find ourselves

Managing your mental health and wellbeing personally and professionally when anxiety kicks in

We all struggle with our mental health from time to time, and sometimes when things are a little wobbly, we can become anxious which can affect our work, business and affect us on a personal and daily basis. Whilst mental health is more open nowadays, some of us still struggle with being open about it and asking for help. Having someone to talk to is important, however, it’s also important for us to have some strategies we can draw upon to help us whilst we are going through these dips. Below are five tips to help manage your mental health and wellbeing personally and professionally when anxiety kicks in. Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or meditation to centre yourself and manage anxious thoughts, both in personal and professional settings. Establish Boundaries: Clearly define boundaries between work and personal life to prevent burnout. Allocate dedicated time for self-care activities and

Six great steps in managing a successful business

Are you running a business? How effectively are you managing this? Are you perhaps considering buying or setting up a business? Are you wondering what aspects you need to help you with this? Either way, managing a business effectively requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses various aspects. Below are some aspects that might help you in doing this. Here are six key steps to successful business management: STRATEGIC PLANNING AND GOAL SETTING Define Clear Objectives: Establish a clear vision and specific, achievable goals for the business. Ensure these goals are aligned with the company's mission and values. Develop a Strategic Plan: Create a roadmap outlining the steps, timelines, and resources needed to achieve these goals. This plan should include contingencies for potential challenges and changes in the market landscape. EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP AND TEAM BUILDING Strong Leadership: Lead by example and inspire the team by fostering a positive company culture, setting clear expectations, and

The Three Biggest Motivators

Here we are at the very beginning of a new year; this is when most of us start setting goals and feeling inspired and motivated to have an even better year than last year. For some, getting motivated and staying motivated are difficult to sustain, whereas for others they are automatically motivated naturally. Motivation, the driving force behind actions and aspirations, stems from various sources, which is why we should understand what motivates and why, and to use what we have naturally or find out what it is that will motivate us and use these strategies to help us set achievable and realistic goals for 2024. Below are four major motivators focusing on purpose and meaning, achievement and recognition, external incentives and rewards and emotional connection and relationships. Have a read through and see what you can tease out to use personally and professionally: PURPOSE AND MEANING Intrinsic Fulfilment: The pursuit