What is Self-Care? Do you practice Self-Care?

Self-care is about how we care for our whole self, our wellbeing, which includes our emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual health. Self-care replenishes and renews our health and wellbeing. Self-care is about doing something for you, only you, to help with your overall health and wellness. How we self-care is different for everyone; we have to find our best way to care for ourselves as one size doesn’t fit all. Tips for Self-Care:Creating a time in the day everyday – creating a self-care routine enables us to prioritise us, ensuring we have time to chill, relax, unwind, re-energise, do things that give and bring us joy Everyday journaling – the key to self-care is to start with one specific activity and that’s the act of writing down our thoughts, feelings, activities, achievements, anticipated goals or actions for us 2. Top and Tail journaling – there are various schools of thoughts

Tips for Setting Smart and Surprising Goals

It may not surprise your that your goals are there to inspire you and not to make your feel like they are a chore. If our goals are there to inspire us then why do so many people set goals and not achieve them, or for some don’t even write down goals or set them as they know (or believe) they won’t achieve them so what’s the point! Goals are about creating action; positive action that will help us with our personal and professional development, take us outside our comfort zone, stretching us to achieve more to become a better person or better at what we do. Achieving goals or trying to achieve goals are fraught with so many obstacles and barriers that can feel so overwhelming, we either don’t know where to start or even how to start. We want to but just can’t get ourselves into ‘gear’ to

Facts – Memory – Behaviour Chain

Have you ever thought that our mind is just like an iceberg in that it consists of two parts, with the tip of the iceberg being the conscious mind which takes care of our daily decision-making, as well as dealing with all new situations, whereas the subconscious mind makes up the submerged part of the iceberg (the largest portion), which helps us deals with our learned behaviour. This is helpful for us to deal with situations that reoccur as we are using information already stored in our minds. This is why when we come to do a task again our mind remembers how we behaved last time, so if it’s a bad experience e.g. we got hurt, then we will remember that hurt or if it’s a task we do regularly then our mind forms that mental picture giving us the ability of recall. Everything that happens to us sits

You only have one life – are you living this the way you want?

You only have one life – are you living this the way you want? Are you able to truthfully state what you want from your life?Do you have a clear-cut master plan to achieve what you want from your life?Does this master plan precisely determine when you will achieve what you want from your life? These are some questions I might ask clients to help them with their thinking around where they’re at, where they want to be, as well as why and determine how they might consider getting there. Can we honestly say we take ‘time out’ to consider this? Usually we are too busy aren’t we, however, if we did pause for a small period of time to consider what challenges or obstacles lay ahead and what we might need in terms of help, support, advice, guidance to motivate and inspire us to start, continue and complete, wouldn’t