Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
Call on +6421863877

Andy Pender Plan and Protect

I had the pleasure of being the participant of the Success Factor Business Coaching & Mentoring Programme.

I found the programme was of high quality, informative and beautifully adaptive to the attendee’s needs.

Debs scheduling prowess, prioritising skill and mainly a heap of self-improvement techniques was pretty awesome particularly when I thought I knew it all already!!

The recommendation to read ‘Know Your Why’ by Simon Sinek and ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne was most interesting.

What I liked most was the adaptive nature of the sessions and also how it was as much about the body and mind as it was business.

The programme made a difference to me by giving my mind a rest that it’s all going to work out and techniques to stop my mind racing at 1000rpm.

I would highly recommend Debs, Success Factor to anyone in self-employment, as everyone needs a wing-man or woman.

Debs has a wide set of skills to assist in a heap of areas which for me was hugely beneficial.

Thanks Debs, you’re a gem!