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North Canterbury Women in Business – It’s All About Time! Seminar – October 2019

Twelve wonderful participants from the Canterbury Women in Business Networking group provided this feedback:

Excellent seminar – great self-awareness assessment

Awesome seminar! Thank you!

Debs is a fabulous presenter who offers practical solutions to everyday challenges that we are all faced with!

Great to be involved in an open, non-threatening discussion; comfortable environment; informative, practical and clear

Great ideas and tips – gave me hope and excitement!

A fantastic way to get really clear about how you are actually using your time, what’s not working and how to implement change

Got me thinking about options to manage and reduce non-productive time

Informative way of looking at what you are doing

Learned helpful tips about planning and prioritising what’s important and how to break these down throughout the day

Got me thinking about urgent and important activities

Great to challenge existing theories about time management

I learned I actually manage time on a daily basis quite well but there are always improvements I canmake

Good mix of reflection opportunity and actions were encouraged

Made me think about taking more breaks and reviewing if they make me more productive

Got me thinking about concentration time!

Having a time management plan and aiming for ideal!

Learned to honour myself and stick to what’s important for me!

Useful to review your activities both professional and personal

Learning the importance of reviewing what I do and sticking to my plan