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Change Management

Are you someone who lacks discipline, rarely achieves goals or plans?

Then this is a the read for you!

Why struggle day after day trying to make positive changes and not being successful; always saying you’ll start tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes.

Read below; in just eight steps you can help to bring about positive change in your life, work or business.

1. Defining clear goal

Without a clear goal it is hard to define exactly what you want or need, and you’re likely to find you end up drifting and feeling unproductive. Let’s face it our minds don’t need an invitation to procrastinate. Try visualising exactly what it is you really want or need and write the goal down; this will help to bring it into reality.

2. Establishing a clear plan

You may know what it is you want or need, but if you don’t know how to achieve it, the chances are, you will fail. The key is to draft an outline of a plan that breaks down each individual step you will need to accomplish your goal; remembering small steps will lead to big changes.

3. Strengthening your self-confidence

The one key thing that successful people have in common is self-confidence. This is where you need to develop, and possibly change your mindset that you are good enough to achieve what you set out to, otherwise why would you even try? You can do this! You just need to believe in yourself.

4. Building good habits

Good habits make life so much easier. The more you reflect on what you’re doing and why, and if this is productive or leading to something positive, the greater chance your mind will start to rethink, which is a great first step. Considering developing good systems and habits remove the guessing, giving you a clear step-by-step process to follow.

5. Evaluating your time

I’m sure you will often hear people say “I don’t have time” when in reality they go to work, get distracted onto unimportant things, often scrolling through mindless social media videos and photos. Instead, consider planning your day; doing the work first means you will have enough time to enjoy knowing you’ve gotten the most important tasks already done.

6. Starting off small

Often when we lack discipline, it’s usually because we feel overwhelmed with the hugeness of tasks or goals we must do, knowing there is impending deadlines and feel we need to do this all at once. Practicing breaking large pieces of work or goals into small and manageable pieces makes them feel less daunting. You’ll find that you get lots more done and be pleasantly surprised at how much more enjoyable it is.

7. Looking after yourself

Strong mental and physical health will aid in your battle to destroy a lack of self-discipline. Developing the process of a positive mindset and practicing positive self-talk as well as making sure you eat well, sleep well and exercise on a regular basis will help you have a clear mind to tackle the days ahead.

8. Holding yourself accountable

You can always ask friends or family to hold you accountable but what happens when they are not there? Developing self-accountability is a great skill to have, however, most people lack the self-discipline to do this. In these cases seeking support from a coach or mentor as an accountability buddy can be a great investment of time and money.

If you’ve not considered coaching or mentoring before, perhaps you could email Debs today and ask about how Success Factor can help you.

Ask about the Success Factor one-hour complimentary consultation today.

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