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Finding the right direction in life

Do you know which direction you are going in life or whether it’s the right direction for you?

There are some of us that still feel what we are doing isn’t what we would ideally love to be doing, we just know that what we are doing isn’t right for us, now or in the future.

Others felt they had found their perfect ‘place’ whether this be a job or house or business or career, but later find this isn’t it!

But what is IT?

How do we know if we are heading in the right direction, and better still, how do we know where to look or even what we are looking for?

What we do know is when something isn’t right.

Some migrants who moved to NZ for a change in lifestyle, speak of driving along the motorway or rather being at a standstill on a motorway at commuter time having spent 2 hours driving to work and 2 hours or more driving home after a 10-hour working day in a dead-end job, feeling there must be more to life than this.

They decided to make a change and take themselves and their family halfway across the world for a better life.

The trouble is, unless we know what the ‘better life’ is how do we know we are headed in the right direction?

Three suggestions to help you find the right direction in life:

  • Stop thinking and start doing – we should stop talking about it or dreaming of a better life but start making tracks to get ourselves there. If we are determined to make the change we will do it
  • Closing your eyes and taking the plunge – if we overthink or over-analyse things we will never do them, but we should do something, anything rather than nothing, and sometimes it’s just a matter of taking a deep breath and just doing it!
  • Switch from the negative voice to the positive voice – stop listening to the inner negative voice we bombard ourselves with and start switching to a different channel and listen to the positive voice, the one that has the inner belief in ourselves

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