Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
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How Satisfied are you with your life right now?

If you were to give yourself a score out of 10 for how satisfied you are with your life overall, what would it be?

If you were to give yourself a score out of 10 for how much fun you are having in life, what would it be?

If you were to give yourself a score out of `10 for how happy you are with your life, what would it be?

If you were to give yourself a score out of 10 for how satisfied you are with your job, work, career, business, what would it be?

Now, if I was to ask you why you aren’t where you want to be, OR if I was to ask you why you aren’t scoring higher than you did, what would you say?

What’s holding you back?

Who’s holding you back?

Why is this holding you back?

What can you do to increase your score to give you more satisfaction, fun and happiness with your life?

Perhaps you could consider the following?

How much do you like yourself right now (score out of 10)?

What do you like MOST in your life at the moment (like best)?

What could be IMPROVED in your life at the moment (like least)?

Then make a list of the following:

What would give you more meaning or purpose in your life?

What would give you more fulfilment and happiness in your life?

What would make you feel at ease and have good balance in your life?

What change might you make to your work, career, job or business to move forwards?

What do you need to do to achieve your goals better / faster / more easily?

What do you need to do to be more of your authentic self?

Once you’ve gone through the questions above and teased out things that you can do to drive you forwards, developing clear and easy actions to get you started you can review your progress weekly and monthly and then in 3 or 6 months take the test again and see what you score.

Remember, we are ALL a work in progress, always learning and always growing. Now is the time to start!

Ask about the Success Factor one-hour complimentary consultation today.

Why not complete the iMA Questionnaire and see what colour you are:

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