Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
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How serious you are about setting your goals?

I hear you already!

Goals! I have no time to write goals!

I write them down but don’t look at them!

I try to achieve them, but stuff gets in the way!

I understand ALL of the reasons and have heard of them all over the years. However, if we don’t have a goal we don’t have a direction.

Perhaps you could carry out the FIVE steps below and see if you can pass the test!

Please do let me know how you get on!

(adapted from coaching tools)

STEP 1 – The Simple COMMITMENT Test

  • How committed are you to achieving your goals?
  • On a scale of 1 – 10 what do you score?
  • If your score is less than 8, what is getting in your way?
  • How can you address the obstacle?
  • Then score again and repeat

STEP 2 – The NOW Test!

  • How much do you really want your goal?
  • If you could have your goal now, would you take it?
  • If yes, great!
  • If no, or unsure, then you need to identify where you might be self-sabotaging to see what’s getting in your way with any limiting beliefs, and also if this is really your goal, or the right goal in the first place


  • Imagine your life 10 years from now having achieved your goals, and explore how different this is from now
  • Looking back, what would you tell yourself today?
  • How might you be able to encourage yourself to achieve your goal?
  • Does your goal still fit?

STEP 4 – The LAW Test!

  • Are you willing to fight for your goal?
  • If a law was passed that prevented you didn’t allow you from achieving your goal, would you fight for it or be relieved?
  • Are you ready to fight for it and how might you further explore what’s getting in your way?
  • Are you relieved you can’t achieve this goal, and if so is it time to ditch it and find another more simpler and meaningful goal?


  • Identify what you like or have issues with in achieving your goal
  • Ask yourself who do you need to support you to achieve your goal
  • How do you feel about approaching this person to help you, do you like them, and would you be happy them supporting you?
  • What don’t you like about this person and why might you not ask them for support?
  • Explore attitudes and adopt supportive habits to enable you to achieve your goal

Ask about the Success Factor one-hour complimentary consultation today.

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