Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
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Is Time and Fear Stunting Your Business Growth?

  • Could this be your year of growth?
  • Would you like it to be your year of growth?
  • Have you dedicated time towards growing your business?
  • Do you have time to spare to dedicate working ON your business?

If you’ve answered yes to the first two questions and no to the last two questions, then read on if you think it is now time to start investing in yourself!

Time: This can be our enemy or our friend. We know we want time off, time to reflect, time to think, time to know ourselves better, time to know our business better. BUT we use the excuse of not having time and worse still don’t make the time.

Fear: Fear can also be our enemy and one of the biggest obstacles or barriers we have, however, more often than not the fears are perceived and not real, and these can hinder us from stepping outside our comfort zone because of the fear of failure, however, we must do what feels right and be the drivers of our own destiny.

Three actions to enable you to invest in yourself:

  1. Self-belief – If we don’t believe in ourselves and our ability to grow our business then we won’t even start, let along start and not finish; start with personal positive affirmations, take time out to sit quietly and tell yourself you CAN and WILL do this

  2. Core business message – We need to be clear what our business provides; whom it provides it for; where our target market is; where we sit amongst our competitors; we need to clarify our point of difference or unique selling point

  3. Engage support and advice – We may not have the necessary skills or knowledge to develop a strategy to found our ‘place’ in the market; we need to determine if this is something that can be outsourced and consider having a sounding board using someone who isn’t emotionally involved whom you can bounce around ideas with

If you are serious about taking your business to the next level, these actions can help you manage your time better and help you clarify where your fears may be holding you back.

If you are interested in obtaining a ‘Business Warrant of Fitness’ you can book a FREE one-hour consultation to help you identify where those pressure points are and what might be holding you back! What are you waiting for? You’ve not got anything to lose!

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