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It’s Just a Big No No Sometimes Isn’t It?

How many of these ‘no’s’ might you answer ‘yes’ to?

  • No energy
  • No inclination
  • No time

We know we have ‘must do’ jobs to do and what we need to do that’s necessary in any given day, but often we procrastinate for all sorts of reasons and sometimes because we are suffering from some of the ‘no’s’ listed above!

It becomes a vicious circle, a cycle, a merry-go-round that sometimes we can’t get off to change what we are doing, even although we know to do so will help us become more productive and achieve daily tasks and strategic goals.

Here are some ‘N’s’ which you can consider working through to help you address those ‘no’s’ above:

Now: This is the only time we have available to us, the present moment, rather than putting something off until tomorrow or another time. By changing our thinking and our mindset we can see that just to go do the job will be satisfying for us.

Next: We know that when we do those tasks ‘now’ that will give us the momentum and motivation to do what naturally comes next because we can see the benefit from finishing something and finishing something on time.

Necessary: Sometimes we just have this huge long ‘to do’ list and don’t know where to start. To help us we need to address what is necessary to do now, and what to do later, which means prioritising our list.

Some tips to help you manage the above N’s are:

List & plan: You may or may not be a list person, or a person who plans. It’s easy to say that isn’t me, never has been and never will be. We can all learn new habits and making lists and prioritising to plan our workload enables us to better manage those tasks we have which will ultimately enable us to achieve our goals. It starts with US making that commitment to start the way we mean to go on IF we are serious about what we want to achieve. Planning our days and weeks means we can more effectively split and manage our workload, so we don’t overload each day creating a feeling of not achieving.

Build in structure: Having structure in our lives makes us more organised and productive and gives us a feeling of achievement. Our progress becomes more noticeable, our energy increases, we feel we have more time and we feel more inclined to keep up the great work we’ve done.

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