Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
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Keeping Our Reputation

Whether personally or professionally we all want to earn a great reputation for what we do and don’t want to lose that reputation, but how can we do this and what happens if something happens to affect this?

We know that bad news travels fast, no-one wants to hear good news. And there’s the old adage, there’s no smoke without fire. Nowadays, a bad review or comment can hugely affect a business and hurt business owners too.

We can work tirelessly as business owners to ensure we keep a great profile and a good reputation and there are a few things we can do to help us do that.

Retain clients – as business owners we are of course wanting to generate income and grow our businesses, however, it’s not always about just gaining or acquiring new clients. If we don’t look after the clients or customers, we have then that’s not a good place to start. I believe we need to look after our own first and foremost and then look to gain new ones to ensure we are providing a great service or product and ensuring everyone is happy with what they have or are receiving.

Value for money – so much sits under this category. For one it’s assumptions, for another it’s perception. If we don’t make our communication clear, then people can have an assumption of what they perceive they will receive and if they don’t won’t be satisfied. It’s up to us as business owners to ensure we communicate effectively and clearly to ensure the client or customer understands exactly what they are getting, when they are getting it and the value of what they are receiving. This comes back to point one retaining and looking after our existing clients.

Sometimes we are just so busy we may be rushed into things and drop the ball, so spending time on quality and communication we can ensure we don’t under deliver and over promise.

If you haven’t already got a plan, process or system in place, then consider developing one. Your customers and clients will love the fact they are being looked after and cared about. They are more likely to share great things about you and your business and feel they’ve received great value for money.

Ask about the Success Factor one-hour complimentary consultation today.

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