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Keeping Your Life in Balance

Brian Tracy says “Your goals must be in balance and cover the three most important areas of your life. They must be in harmony with each other”.

We know our goals need to be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound), however, if setting goals whether they are SMART or not were easy then everyone would be setting them and achieving them.

However, we know this isn’t the case. We know that for the most part many of us set goals that are UNSMART, unrealistic, unachievable and certainly not measurable i.e. I want to get fit to run one day!

If we don’t set goals that provide us with a personal and emotional benefit then we are unlikely to achieve that goal. We need to want to achieve and not feel that we must achieve it. We need to clarify who we are setting or aiming to achieve this goal for? Is it us or someone else? Is it because our peers, manager, society are expecting us to set them?

So, before we even consider setting goals, we need to decide the following, and as noted by Brian Tracy.

What Goals: Making a list of what we would like to achieve whether this is personally or professionally. Something that is health or fitness related or work / business related. We need to determine what we want to accomplish in our life. To do this we need to look at the bigger picture and ‘see’ the image of our destination. What does it look like and feel like? Being able to envisage our goals is helpful because we can hold that picture whilst we are in the process of attaining our goal.

Why Goals: Whether the goal is personal, family or health related, we need to carefully consider why we want to achieve it. Why do we want it, and what do we think it will give us? We need to dig deep emotionally to feel this and own it. The why is often the most important because without the why we are less likely to feel motivated and inspired during the process. There is a higher likelihood of become side-tracked and distracted away from what we should be doing.

How Goals: Our goals can only be achieved is we are completely clear how we are going to go about it. The how helps us see if they are measurable and achievable. It’s easy to say we will do this or that, but when we are forced into writing down the detail of exactly how we will go about it, then we won’t have the steps and a clear breakdown of each stage in the process.

Working through the process above will help you achieve your goals and keep your life in balance, and as Brian Tracy says “Continue working on these goals at the same time to be happy and effective in your life”.

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