Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
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Let’s Start at the Beginning – or Maybe the End..

As a business coach and mentor I’m often asked about exit strategies, end result, anticipated outcome or visions / goals for the dream.

The reason for this is that we need to consider what our dream looks like and have this as clear as possible in our mind.

Having a strategy or plan to start to build something is imperative, however, so is having a plan to sustain or grow, and to exit when the time is right.

Can we plan our strategy to start and our exit strategy at the same time?

Yes, we can, we almost have to because we need to see what the ‘after’ looks like for us, otherwise our journey may have been in vain.

Having short, medium and long-term goals is a great place to start, this way we can identify exactly where to start and where to finish.

The gap in between is the journey, the path, as well as the gap between the life you’re living or the job you’re doing or the situation your in, and the life you want – these are called choices. Something which we all have, even although it doesn’t feel like that sometimes.

We can always achieve our goals, fulfil our ambitions, we just need to have a plan with manageable steps and maybe some help to enable us to get there.

If perhaps you, or a friend, or a colleagues feels like you might need hand-holding, support, accountability, advice or feedback in the form of a sounding board, then consider reaching out for some business or coaching support to help you keep accountable as well as having a confidante. It will definitely not only provide you with a better chance to realise your ambitions, but help you reach your destination more quickly, less stresful and more successful.

Ask about the Success Factor one-hour complimentary consultation today.

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