Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
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Starting the Year off on the Right Foot!

Welcome to the beginning of a new year, 2023.

How can we start the new year, 2023 on the right foot?

Did you do the reflections from last week’s Wednesday Wake-Up!?

To be able to start on a good note we need to know what to let go of, what to take forward and determine if and when we need to change direction, whether this is a slight change or a drastic change of course altogether.

What do we need to start or stop doing?

What do we need to do more of or less of?

Remember we all have choices, and we should use them well and positively. Consider what those choices are and put them into practice by changing them into goals, SMART goals that will keep us on track, measure our progress, motivate and encourage us and help us when we are likely to procrastinate or go off track completely.

In 2023 we need to consider what matters most to us personally and professionally. What are we going to carry forward from last year to help us. What learnings are we going to use to help us avoid making the same mistakes. What tools have we got in our toolbox that will stand us in good stead that we can use as strategies to keep us going positively?

We need to be mindful that time management is self-care. This is hard and we often leave ourselves last. The most important thing for us and our mental wellbeing and self-care is usually left out or drops off the list or our day completely.

This might be guided meditation, going to the gym, going for a walk, positive mindfulness. Whatever it is, this is or should be a priority for us and we should ensure that we never miss a day, or at most, don’t miss more than one day. Otherwise, you will end up breaking the pattern.

What can you do to help you not only plan the day but ensure that your priorities, both personal and professional are in place and more likely to happen?

We need to be creative and find a way. What resources do we need? These may be in the form of our strategies, or a person to ask advice or help from, or it might just be that we need ‘time out’ to review, reflect and reset.

The key thing to remember is that goals should not be a chore, nor a tie, they should be motivational, something that inspires us – if they aren’t then adjust them so they are.

Making plans for 2023 now so you can ensure you are well equipped for managing all the challenges for the year more easily. You can do it, you just need to believe in yourself, plan and keep to the plan. You CAN do it!

Ask about the Success Factor one-hour complimentary consultation today.

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