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Things to think about to make us feel better

I’m sure like me you see quotes or mantras that totally resonate with how you’re feeling, or the way things are for you at the time. We can all take away great tips to make us feel better and to encourage us to have positive thoughts and keep motivated.

In such changing, difficult and stressful times, we need to ensure we take care of ourselves, feeding us with as much positivity as we can despite all the things going on in the world.

In business we have a responsibility to ensure our team is supported the best way we can. We want to support our family and friends too, however, we do need to start with us, don’t we?

We can worry about things that don’t get us anywhere which doesn’t help. I recently came across this quote which fitted perfectly.

Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere”. Erma Bombeck

This made me think about other things we do or the way we feel that keeps us stuck, not getting us anywhere, but often we don’t know how we can move on.

We need to consider making decisions in our lives to help us move forward, but at times like these it can be harder than usual. We may doubt our own judgement and feel our emotions are getting in the way. The quote below almost landed on my lap which fitted perfectly.

When there are decisions to be made, the best thing you can do is the right thing. Next best thing is the wrong thing. And the worst thing that you can do is nothing”. Theodore Roosevelt

It’s all about how we manage ourselves and events that happen, and sometimes we find this easier than others. Right now most of us are struggling to manage the constant changes that fall upon us and are all around us 24/7.

However, we must remember the only constant is change and we can try to embrace change, by making positive changes and facing them straight on. This is often lots easier than we think. The following quote highlighted this so well.

We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.” Sheryl Sandberg

This is so true. We can muddle through and then once aware it all makes sense. With everything that’s going on, perhaps you too can take some time out to check out some quotes or mantras that resonate with you and make you feel better. Those that are thought provoking and help positivity.

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