Success Factor - Business mentor and life coach based in Christchurch, New Zealand
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Understanding what’s in your backpack?

A backpack is a metaphor for life. The lighter you travel, the happier you are, with less baggage to carry.

It is understood to be seen as reducing the material objects that oppress us, weigh us down and make us sad or depressed.

They represent our worries, issues, irritations and problems.

We all carry a backpack, and it’s full of all our issues, priorities, baggage and lots more.

Whilst we know we need to understand what is in our backpack, do we really understand what it looks like? As it’s behind us, often it can appear out of sight out of mind.

We may or may know or realise that we can add to our backpack at any time, but do we, and do we add the right things at the right time?

Are we happy with what is in our backpack, and have we identified what we are happy with or not, let alone what we will do with what we aren’t happy with?

We do have the ability to unpack our backpack, really see what’s in there and remind ourselves what’s in it.

When we do this, we can re-arrange the contents according to our current priorities, needs and situation.

It’s at this point we can decide if it’s time to remove contents from our backpack, but how might we do this?

Do we understand the cause and effect or consequences of making any backpack changes? We need to carefully decide what and how we get rid of the contents in our backpack and how we can deal with contents we are no longer happy about?

How heavy is your backpack?

Do you want to lighten your load?

When was the last time you looked into your backpack, and did you do anything about it other than do it up and put it back on your back?

Now is the time to understand what is in your backpack and do something about it. Seeing what you have and going through it can feel cathartic in that when we really see what the contents are we can decide what we want to do with them.

Let today be the day you decide:

How? Why? What? When? Where?

Ask about the Success Factor one-hour complimentary consultation today.

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