Be an Inspiration to Yourself!

Who inspires you the most? Who impresses you the most? What is it about those people that inspire and impress you? How would you like to inspire or impress people? These are questions we should ask ourselves if we want to grow. Perhaps that person is from our past, our childhood or school days who was an influential part of our lives. It might be from our present, someone in the workplace or another business. The person who inspires or impresses you the most could either be personally or professionally or both! If we are going to think about whom these people are we need to have a reason for thinking about them. Perhaps we want to learn some of their qualities, gain some of their skills, or develop our personal or professional growth in the way they did. Here are a few things you might want to consider: Take

Making Choices

Have you ever thought about how you make the choices you make? Do you always see the choices you have, or do you look for obstacles? Reason 1: Our fear of failure – We are so worried we might make the wrong decision or the wrong choice that we do nothing. Who decides what is a ‘wrong choice’ anyway? Is it the result or the outcome we measure this by, or the way we were made to feel after we made our choice? Only we know what is best for us, what might be the right path for us to make, we know ourselves more than anyone else don’t we? Reason 2: Our need to over-analyse things – How many of us over-think things constantly? We spend so long deliberating about so many choices and worrying about doing the wrong thing, making it much more complicated than it is. We

Helping You To Make That Change!

Are you feeling stuck or stressed with your present situation? Are you dissatisfied or disappointed about how things are you for you right now? Are you avoiding the things you most need to be confronting? Then you need to make a change, but HOW? There are stages of change from the status quo, how things are for us right now to the NEW status quo, having made the change we want to get us from a bad position to a good position. How might we get from our current status quo to the new status quo? Here are some steps you might want to consider for your or your business: Current Situation – staying put – doing nothing, but is this an option? What are the consequences of not making a change and continuing doing the same thing expecting a different outcome? Introducing a new component – doing something about

Ever Wondered What Mentoring Was All About?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every time we ran into problems there was always someone to hand to provide that fresh perspective? Wouldn’t it be amazing if we had someone we were always accountable to who was our teacher and our coach? Wouldn’t it be awesome if we had a guide who motivated us, acted as an advocate, and was completely empathetic happy to share all their knowledge and insights? Did you know you could have all of these rolled into one if you had a business mentor and coach? When we go into business and become business owners we think we can manage all aspects of running our business as well as providing the service we are skilled in, but unfortunately, no-one has all the skills, and we end up being a Jack of All Trades, juggling too many balls and ending up becoming unfocused, overwhelmed and under-achieving. To