What are the key areas people struggle with personally and professionally and how can we manage these?

We all struggle at times, and everyone struggles with different things and in different ways. It’s hard to measure and compare these struggles and sometimes hard to articulate. Struggles can feel and be so overwhelming they can affect the way we function and think on a daily basis, which can be confusing and challenging. Our struggles come in different ways, from how we manage time, to managing with stress and impending burnout, decision-making and trying to make plans on how we can make changes. Sometimes, it feels like we can’t see the wood for the trees and there’s no way out. Let’s look at three key struggles and how we can manage these. Time Management: Common Issues: Procrastination, overwhelmed by tasks, difficulty prioritizing. Management Steps: Prioritise Tasks: Identify and focus on high-priority tasks first. Break Down Goals: Divide larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Set Realistic Deadlines: Create achievable timelines for

How often should we prioritise and reflect on what we are doing and how – five great steps.

Life, work, business, it all feels a rush sometimes. We seem never or rarely to have time to breathe and consider if what we’re doing is the right thing at the right time or in the right way. It is really important for us to press the ‘pause’ or ‘stop’ button, if we can find it that is, and consider if we are doing our best on a daily or weekly basis. In other words, are we prioritising what we are doing as well as we can. Whilst it does take time to do this, it’s worth doing, to save us from doing the wrong things and not dealing with those areas in our personal or professional lives that we really need to deal with. Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with yourself to assess your current priorities and actions. This could be a weekly or monthly reflection session where you review

Sometimes we just need to take time out or off, don’t we?

All sorts of things can create stress, worry, anxiety with the challenges we all have in our lives today. There is so much for us to manage at any given time and it can become just too much. Instead of battling on and reaching burnout we should consider taking a break, taking time out or off, but various things can prevent us from doing so, amongst of course not wanting to let others down, ourselves down and feeling that we are a failure. Even if we do decide that taking time off or out is the sensible and most logical thing to do, we then have the guilt to deal with. Whilst you are taking your break, sabbatical or hiatus you have time to ponder and think which is when the guilt starts, doubt creeps in and then what happens? We can’t enjoy or benefit from the time out or

How to manage what people think of you personally or professionally – six great tips!

One of the things that can drag us down can be ourselves. We are defaulted to think negatively. In cave person days this kept us safe, a lion or tiger is at the cave door, and this is not good news. However, we don’t have lions or tigers at our door, and we don’t live in caves, but our brains still treat danger in the same way. One key danger is often worrying about what others think of us and what they are saying. We play the whole conversation in our heads, and they are all bad things, never good! We do need to manage this and realise, one what our mind or brain is doing, thinking of the worst-case scenario, but also consider they might well be saying something nice. Either way they are assumptions and assumptions aren’t helpful or positive as the assumption is always negative. We instead

Five great reasons why it’s helpful to have an accountability buddy (coach) to help you personally and professionally

What is an accountability buddy? What does a coach do? What can a coach provide? Can a coach help me? These are questions I hear all the time and questions people ask or don’t know the answer to. Some have assumptions of what a coach is or does or can provide. And these preconceived assumptions aren’t a great idea as they could prove to be an obstacle or barrier to seeking help and guidance. Every coach is different, however, if we boil it right down, a coach will help provide us with clarify, focus and direction, giving us a safe place and space to have an open and honest conversation. Having a confidante, a sounding board and being able to explore ideas and opportunities and re-assess our strategies to manage our weaknesses and challenges. Whether we are struggling personally or professionally, having someone who is an ear to listen to,

Are Your Fears Credible and How Do You Deal with Them?

We all have fears, some credible and some not, however, do we know how to determine if they are a credible fear or not and if so, how do we deal with them? It’s of course different for everyone, whether credible or not, they are all real for everyone going through that situation. Determining credible fears involves evaluating the validity and seriousness of potential threats or concerns. Here’s some tips on how you can manage this process effectively: Assessment criteria: Establish clear criteria or guidelines for evaluating fears. This could include factors such as likelihood, severity, impact, and evidence supporting the fear. Evidence-based analysis: Aim to obtain as much fact, evidence or data supporting your fears. Analyse the credibility and reliability of this evidence to help you make informed judgments. Objective perspective: Approach the assessment process with objectivity and avoid biases or preconceived notions. Consider different perspectives and viewpoints to

Embracing Realistic Challenges: The Power of Commitment

In a world where instant gratification often takes precedence, the value of committing to realistic challenges can easily be overlooked. Yet, it's these challenges that pave the way for personal growth, resilience, and ultimately, success. Whether it's learning a new skill, adopting a healthier lifestyle, or pursuing a passion project, committing to realistic challenges can have profound effects on our lives. Try following the six steps below to help you commit and embrace to realistic challenges. The Importance of Realistic Challenges Realistic challenges are essential because they push us out of our comfort zones without overwhelming us. They provide the perfect balance between attainability and difficulty, allowing us to stretch our capabilities while still feeling confident in our ability to succeed. These challenges serve as stepping stones towards our larger goals, helping us build momentum and confidence along the way. Overcoming Fear and Doubt One of the biggest obstacles to

How to Be and Stay Motivated

Wouldn’t it just be fantastic if we had a wee button we could switch on to motivate us and another to keep us motivated? However, unfortunately there is no such magic button and no secret formula. It’s not as though it is something we can buy or acquire, however it is something we can create, manage, integrate and improve on; it just takes some steps and clear direction to help us on our way. Motivation is the driving force behind achieving goals and overcoming challenges. To be and sustain motivation, we need to consider what we can do for ourselves and how we can help ourselves. Consider these four key tips below to help you on your way: Set Clear Goals: Define your objectives with clarity and specificity. Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks. This not only makes the journey more manageable but also provides a sense of

If Only We Had More Time, We’d Have Better Work Life Balance

How many times have we said, I wish I had more time, or there’s not enough hours in the day? How many times have we realised that doing something for us falls off the list and work or business takes over and ‘we’ get forgotten until tomorrow which never comes. It’s like being on a treadmill and not being able to get off. There comes a time when we must take control and be in charge of our lives, our calendar and what we do as well as what for and who for. Below are some areas which you might find helpful as takeaways to manage time better and have a better work life balance. Lack of time management skills: Ineffective time management can lead to difficulties in prioritising tasks and allocating time for both work and personal responsibilities. Overcommitment: Saying yes to too many tasks or projects can result

Managing our mental health and wellbeing when anxiety kicks in

Many if not all of us suffer from anxiety at some time of our lives, and for various reasons. Sometimes we recognise the signs we have anxiety and do something about it, whilst other times we don’t recognise it, or ignore it, and we feel much worse. The symptoms are there but often we put them down to something else or try and rationalise and flick away. What are the symptoms? Symptoms are variable, but can include: Trouble concentrating or making decisions Feeling irritable, tense or restless Experiencing nausea or abdominal distress Having heart palpitations Sweating, trembling or shaking Trouble sleeping Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom We can all find it a challenge sometimes to keep our heads above water. We might have a successful business and struggling with our personal life. We might have a happy personal life but find running a business or managing