WHY would you need a coach?

Have you ever used a business or life coach? Do you know what it might entail? Are you aware of what the value of benefits might be? Often, I hear people have an assumption they will be told what to do or perhaps had a bad experience from a coach at some point putting them off engaging a coach again. Business Coaching If you have bought, started up or are running a business, there are three key specialists or experts you most definitely need. AccountantLawyerCoach You might feel the first two are obvious, as all businesses need an accountant and perhaps a lawyer at one stage or another, however for some having a coach is often felt unnecessary and more of a luxury than a necessity. Personal / Life Coaching If you feel you need help personally and are struggling with direction, focus or feel you have gotten stuck in

Working as a Team using the ‘Goose Story’

We work as a team in many different circumstances, at work and at home, personally and professionally. We know teamwork is imperative to ensure success. Geese can teach us a great deal about teamwork. I remember when I came across the ‘Goose Story’, many years ago and have been intrigued ever since. They can teach us a great deal. Below are five things we can learn about teamwork from geese: Working Together Their iconic V shape isn’t just aesthetics but a way of them working together as a team. When each bird flaps its wings, it creates a lift for the other birds so they can fly together with less effort. Flying in formation means they use less energy, perform better, reach their destination quicker. Lesson Learned: Having a common goal means they are more efficient and effective; working as a team creates success; using the strengths of team members.

Developing your own Personal Plan for Success

Do you want to improve your chances of achieving success?Why not design your own Personal Plan for Success (PPS) What is a PPS? A Personal Plan for Success or PPS is about finding out what you need to do to enable you to reach your goals. You can do this by identifying and implementing your behaviours, actions and plans. Our behaviour is the way in which we act or conduct ourselves, and it’s often our behaviour that lets us down and causes us to fail. Repeated (not good) behaviour can often be the cause of self-sabotage. Developing your PPS means you design a simple system that starts with a risk assessment. Identifying where you are likely to go wrong, or off the rails, or not start, or not continue. Developing a risk assessment is the best place to start, as we can then work out how to minimise the risks,

Will 2022 be your best year yet?

How did you perform last year? Did you achieve your goals? If you did, a huge well done! Keep doing what you’re doing and keep up the great work! If you didn't, now is the time to reflect on what happened last year. Perhaps you could consider the following questions: What were my goals? Why didn't I reach them? How can I adapt them to achieve them this year? When did it all start going wrong? Where are the weakest links? Typically, there are three key reasons why people don't achieve their goals: Not setting goalsNot having a planNot sticking to the plan We know this is common sense, but it isn’t common practice – AND we know it’s easier said than done, otherwise everyone would be achieving their goals. We all probably know the SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound), so they are clear rather than a

Endings – New Year New Beginnings

We know that: “Every ending is really just a new beginning” From experience we also know that: “New beginnings are often described as painful endings” - Lao Tze We probably also know this too: “Endings are our beginnings, and beginnings are ours to turn into something good” – Elizabeth Chandler We could try and do this: “Celebrate endings as they precede new beginnings” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie A reminder our lives are different to stories: “Every story has an end, but in life every end is a new beginning” At this time of year it’s always a time of reflection on the good, and the not so good that’s happened to us over the last year. It’s also a time we may look to the New Year with new hope and inspiration as well as a time for making positive changes, developing new habits, introducing positive changes – a time

Taking ownership

The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome. Isn’t that what we often do? We end up stuck in a pattern of habit, particularly bad habits where we just follow the same route, routine or pattern we have always done. We are often just too busy to consider how or what we might do differently – no time – no energy – no inclination – so what happens? We just keep doing the same old. Today might be the day you draw a line in the sand and take ownership of what you are doing and why. Decide that today is the day for change and change for the better. Today might be the day that works on those weaknesses, or obstacles, certainly those things you wish you had done better. It’s often not as hard as we think it is.

Seeing our Vision

If I asked you when was the best time to create a life plan, what would you say? 20s, 30s or older? When you were younger did you make a life plan? Did you map out your career or your life even just an outline? Or did things just happen? Doors opened and you went through them to where you are now. Did you end up where you wanted to be if you did plan? I often hear clients saying that they are no good at planning. They can’t create a plan, see a plan and find it hard to plan. One of the best ways of developing a business or personal plan is to create a vision board. Whether we are a creative person or not, seeing something visually is powerful and deep. There are stories of people who have developed a vision board and packed it away only

What Superhero powers do you wish you had?

What Superhero powers do you wish you had? I’m sure you remember reading comics as a child and enjoying the superheros at their best? Saving others, flying in and making everything perfect in the world. Using their superpowers to everyone’s advantage. Then we grow up and realise there aren’t such things as superheros or superpowers, but don’t we all wish we had some at times? This got me to thinking about looking at the areas in our lives that aren’t working as well as they might. Things we know we could be doing better, or more of, or less of. It might be those things we could magically stop or start doing. Whichever of the above we might choose, perhaps we could choose up to three of the superpowers below and then look at how we might use these to help ourselves, our businesses, our family, or our work. If

Which ‘HAT’ do you wear?

Have you ever thought that you have different roles or hats in any given day? We might have one ‘hat’ we wear in work or in our business, and another ‘hat’ when we are at home with our families. The ‘hat’ we wear with our peers or children would be very different, wouldn’t it? How different are the ‘hats’ you wear and are you aware how often you might change ‘hats’ and why? You may or may not have heard of Edward de Bono’s Thinking Hats? He explains that each coloured hat has a different purpose. For example, the green hat is a creative hat; the feelings or intuitions hat is red, the blue hat is a leader, the black hat is cautious, and the yellow hat focuses on benefits, the white hat relies on data and the black hat on process. At a meeting or at work with different

What do you do about being unhappy or sad?

It’s interesting isn’t it how our feelings and emotions can peak and trough and sometimes it can all happen in one day! When we have a positive experience we feel happy, motivated which gives us the encouragement and confidence to do more good things. However, when we have a negative experience, this can make us feel sad, deflated and negative. When this happens we can lose our focus and direction and become less productive. It’s a pity that we can’t keep the happy feeling on the back of a good experience as long as hold onto the sad feeling we have following a bad or negative experience. The bad experience seems to stick with us like glue, feeling unable to shake the negativity and doubt that seeps into our thoughts and emotions. We often don’t have the time to take out of a busy day to reset and consider putting