Planning a Framework for New Beginnings

We’re at the time of year where New Year’s resolutions are made and where we reflect on those made at the same time last year which were broken or unfulfilled. We repeat the same pattern with plans for our life, personal or professional goals. We aim to make things better for our business or work in the hope that these goals will keep us on track, focused on stretching ourselves to achieve success. Have we ever thought about why we don’t fulfil our ambitions or achieve our goals? Is it a good thing to repeat the cycle by doing the same thing every year with the same unfinished outcome! Isn’t that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing hoping for a different outcome when instead we just have the same outcome each time? You might be interested instead of examining why you haven’t completing those goals in the past.

Reflecting on 2020 and Leaping into 2021

Looking back on 2020 what might you have said was one of the good things to come out of the year?What might have been one of the toughest challenges you had this year? We even refer to ‘before’ or ‘after’ lockdown or COVID-19 like we would usually refer to this year or last year! Upon hearing what clients, friends, colleagues and family have said, despite the awfulness of the global crises with the pandemic and the changing climate, I have yet to hear anyone who didn’t benefit from lockdown in more ways than they might have originally anticipated. We had things thrust upon us believing we couldn’t cope when for the most part we rose to each challenge, stress, problem that was put in front of us, managing to gain something positive from which initially was the biggest disaster of our lifetime. Now of course as we are nearing the

Changing Ourselves for the Better Creates a Better Us

As we start to wind down for the end of the year reflecting on what a year it’s been and how we’ve faired on a personal and professional level, as well as starting to prepare for a new year, and wondering what might be in store for us, we need to start with how we can manage ourselves and our well-being. When we start with ourselves, we need to look at how confident we are and determine how much we believe in ourselves. We need to be aware of this before we even contemplate planning for a new year otherwise, we are unlikely to achieve our goals. Our self-belief and self-confidence often take a battering during difficult and stressful times, so let’s start with what they are, why they are different, what the difference is between them and why they are important. What is self-confidence? Self-confidence is our ability to

Are you creating the future you want?

Whether you are a goal person or not and whether you are a list person or not, I’m sure you still have goals, aims or visions of what you want to achieve in life. Often these are wish lists or ‘if I won lotto’ thoughts, but if we put our mind to it, we can achieve what we want. If this is the case, then why aren’t we all achieving what we want in life? Usually there is something that prevents us or hinders us from doing so, and that ‘something’ is usually us. What we think, feel, or the way we act becomes the barriers or obstacles that hold us back. As parents we tell our children they have choices and can do and be what and who they want, and life is what they make it, so we need to follow that great advice we give them and

Are you using the right mindset to be successful in life?

Did you know there are two different types of mindset?Fixed or Growth Mindset – Which one are you? Fixed Mindset: Some people have a fixed mindset, where it’s felt these qualities are inherited, fixed, and unchangeable. Growth Mindset: Those with a growth mindset, it’s believed, is where abilities can be created and improved through sheer commitment and hard work. Whichever mindset we have we may be a mixture of both dependent upon the situation and the environment. Wouldn’t it be great if we could incorporate tips and tools to develop a GREAT mindset that’s flexible to accommodate any or most situations to help with our personal development? QUOTE: “Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” Steve Maraboli Here are FIVE tips for developing a great mindset: Positivity – If we focus on using positive and not negative words when we are talking, either to

Turning your values into your future

You might be aware of a quote by Mahatma Gandhi about how our beliefs eventually become our destiny? Hearing this quote recently in a book I was e-reading about how everything we do can lead to a path with a destination. However, if we don’t have a clear path, or we get side-tracked or enticed up a path of no return we are never going to reach our destination, achieve our goals or stay true to our values. Your beliefs become your thoughts Your thoughts become your words Your words become your actions Your actions become your habits Your habits become your values Your values become your destiny Mahatma Gandhi There is a saying we are what we eat, however, we are also what we believe. This should mean if we believe in ourselves and stay true to our values (assuming we are clear what our values are), we should

What Values do you have for YOU and YOUR business?

Do you know what your personal values are?Do you live by your values?Are you often in conflict with your values? AND Do you have core values for your business?Are these core values in alignment with your business?Are your core values often in conflict with your personal values? The thing is if we can’t value ourselves then how can we value our business. If we go against our values when we work with or onboard a new client or customer that doesn’t align with who we are, this can upset our moral balance and our integrity. If you feel you are living ‘under’ your values then perhaps you can use some of these steps to help your bring ‘true value’ back into your personal life and your work or business. Knowing your values help you regulate and manage your decision-making to become your moral compass. Try these SIX STEPS to developing

Coping Strategies to Manage Guilt and Worry

It’s interesting isn’t it that we know we can only live in the present time, not re-write the past and yet we can weigh ourselves down with history or baggage in the form of guilt, and yet still have time to be concerned or fearful of the future letting those ‘worry warts’ take over and spoil the here and now. Someone recently described to me that guilt is a ‘past’ emotion and worry is a ‘future’ emotion, until then I’d never really thought about this specifically. Since then I’ve pondered about this quite a bit taking more notice of how the past and future can hugely interfere with our present. Guilt and worry fill our lives and are two emotions that bring us no good whatsoever and yet we give them far more importance than we should and spend too much time ‘feeding’ them both than we should. Guilt means

How to Develop Supportive Daily Habits

We all have habits, good and bad. Unfortunately, it’s the bad ones we can’t seem to shake and the good ones we can’t seem to incorporate. How might we develop supportive daily habits which will be of benefit to me and reduce stressors in our lives? Check out these SIX steps below and see how you can develop some positive actions to make you healthier, happier and more productive and efficient. Priorities – Consider what you top three priorities in your life are right now. By doing this we are teasing out those important things we perhaps have been putting off or not had time for, or because other seemingly unimportant priorities have seeped in. Often the priorities we focus on are that for others rather than ourselves, so trying to have at least one priority which is personally focused specially for usStressors – List your top three stressors. Normally

Light at the end of the Tunnel

Have you ever felt stressed and depressed?Have you ever felt you aren’t good enough?Have you ever felt there is no light at the end of the tunnel?Do you often soul search with negative impact? Whether you’re feeling this way now or have done in the past, or even if you are lucky enough never to have been in the ‘dark tunnel’ unable to see where you’re going, which way to go or even know where you are going, this may be helpful for you to identify and resonate with others who may be in this place right now. I come with personal experience and remember feeling all the above when my children were small. I watched a documentary on the television where they interviewed several people who were describing how they felt. I was utterly stunned to identify I was feeling what they all were feeling, and it had a