One Person’s Challenge is Another Person’s Fear!

We are all different, aren’t we? We all have our own fears which we avoid like the plague! But we don’t have the same fears do we? Our fear is often another person’s challenge. What inspired me to write this week’s blog was exactly this topic. I provide speech coaching and know this is a fear that a great deal of people have, it being the 2nd highest fear internationally! Recently a client, who is a very fit athlete and who recently ran an ultra-challenge which was nearly 60 kms and uphill, told me she would rather do that than speak in front of a group of people! Last weekend, I ran my first Fun Run Event, the Hellers Pegasus Fun Run 11kms. The only thing I’d done before has been the 5kms park runs. I was feeling apprehensive and nervous, and to be honest, wasn’t sure why! As I

Do you have a worry buster?

Are you focused on your problems rather than getting problems solved? Are you focused on poor performance rather than improving performance? Are you focused on unachievable goals rather than achieving these more easily? Are you focused on getting results or improving your results naturally? The reality is that we can’t see the bigger picture. We are too close, can’t see the wood for the trees, perhaps too emotionally involved, in danger of not making good management or strategic decisions. Often what stops us solving problems, performing well, achieving goals and getting great results is the need in us to be perfect, wanting everything to be ‘just right’ and never getting things done. We can’t progress if we always want perfection. As Winston Churchill said “Perfection is the enemy of progress” We are human and not perfect, as much as we’d like to think so. So why don’t we get over

Ponder this why don’t you!

You will have heard of the insanity definition “doing the same thing expecting the same results”? But what causes us to get stuck in that rut, repeating things we know we shouldn’t be repeating? We know we should try something different, but we feel we don’t have the time! Ring any bells? We may have even got to the stage of having fizzled out and bombed, but we must press our ‘pause’ button and take stock of where we’re at and where we want to go! If we want to work our plan, we need to plan our work don’t we? We need to be productive during each of our working days. We really ought to reflect daily, if not at least weekly, just to see how productive we have been. In other words, how much of what we did earned us money, generated revenue, increased our client base?! Every

Being Inspired!

Values: We need to know what our values are, what they mean to us; this way we can always come back to them. Our personal values are for us and core values for our business. They become our foundation, helping us decide whose company we choose to be in, which customer or client we decide to take on; we need to be true to ourselves. Organised: If we lived in a perfect world we would have no distractions, no clutter and no problems, but we don’t; we need instead to ensure we have a clear desk, clear mind, and try and work methodically.  Consider making a list, setting goals, and don’t forget to tick them off as you go! Fear: We all have fears, and a fear of failure is probably one of the biggest challenges we face. It stops us trying new things, breaking new ground. We spend most

There’s no point climbing to the top of the ladder if you don’t like heights!

We all have our goals, aims, desires and ambitions, don’t we? We all strive to reach them the best way we can, don’t we? But do we really know if they are the right ones for us? Are we chasing a rainbow never reaching the pot of gold? Read on to see if you’re on the right track or not! There was an example I read recently in a coaching book which talked about a man whose main and only ambition and goal was to earn enough to have $1 million in his bank account. For many years he worked like a trojan, head down and tail up to achieve his goal, his main desire in life! Sadly, when he achieved his goal, he thought he would feel great and certainly feel that sense of achievement seeing the $1m bank balance, but he didn’t! This was a huge disappointment for

Finding the right direction in life

Do you know which direction you are going in life or whether it’s the right direction for you? There are some of us that still feel what we are doing isn’t what we would ideally love to be doing, we just know that what we are doing isn’t right for us, now or in the future. Others felt they had found their perfect ‘place’ whether this be a job or house or business or career, but later find this isn’t it! But what is IT? How do we know if we are heading in the right direction, and better still, how do we know where to look or even what we are looking for? What we do know is when something isn’t right. Some migrants who moved to NZ for a change in lifestyle, speak of driving along the motorway or rather being at a standstill on a motorway at

It’s Why NOT What!

You are in business? You want people to buy your service or product? You are constantly promoting and selling your ‘wares’? Let me ask you a question! Is it working for you? Because there might be another way! As a business owner, whilst we don’t like to boast about what we do, we know we are good at what we do and are passionate about the service or product we provide, and to be successful gaining clients and generating revenue we are constantly out there prospecting to promote ourselves and our business. But, have you ever thought about HOW we are doing this and if WHAT we are saying is the right way or the best way? We all know what it’s like to have someone do the hard-sell on us, for example, when we walk into a shop and we are pounced on or the retail assistant loiters close

Take the Leader Test and see how you score!

We hear about leadership a great deal, don’t we? But how do we know if we have the characteristics of a good leader, and are these skills inherent within us or something that can be learned? We think of a leader as being a front-runner, a trailblazer, or a ground-breaker, so let’s look at some typical values a leader might have and score yourself at the end! Precision and simplicity – we are meticulous, clear about the direction we are taking and the expected outcome, keeping it simple, being careful not to over-complicate things Capability and aptitude – we show others we can not only do the work but be a great role model to our teams and peers, providing the capacity to empower others to be successful Promises and obligations – we mean what we say and say what we mean, being careful to deliver on our promises to

Be an Inspiration to Yourself!

Who inspires you the most? Who impresses you the most? What is it about those people that inspire and impress you? How would you like to inspire or impress people? These are questions we should ask ourselves if we want to grow. Perhaps that person is from our past, our childhood or school days who was an influential part of our lives. It might be from our present, someone in the workplace or another business. The person who inspires or impresses you the most could either be personally or professionally or both! If we are going to think about whom these people are we need to have a reason for thinking about them. Perhaps we want to learn some of their qualities, gain some of their skills, or develop our personal or professional growth in the way they did. Here are a few things you might want to consider: Take

Making Choices

Have you ever thought about how you make the choices you make? Do you always see the choices you have, or do you look for obstacles? Reason 1: Our fear of failure – We are so worried we might make the wrong decision or the wrong choice that we do nothing. Who decides what is a ‘wrong choice’ anyway? Is it the result or the outcome we measure this by, or the way we were made to feel after we made our choice? Only we know what is best for us, what might be the right path for us to make, we know ourselves more than anyone else don’t we? Reason 2: Our need to over-analyse things – How many of us over-think things constantly? We spend so long deliberating about so many choices and worrying about doing the wrong thing, making it much more complicated than it is. We