Recognition – Goals – Best Practice = Success

Here we are back at Levels Two and Three in New Zealand. Somewhere we hoped we’d never be again, but we are. For some, this is a real blow, unexpected, perhaps unprepared. For others, it’s a time to put into place what we spent time preparing for during lockdown in terms of business continuity and business disruption. Either ways, it’s tough isn’t it, and during tough times the tough need to get going as the song goes. We need to consider some steps and strategies to help us, our businesses and our teams through yet another transition period. Below are some strategies which you might consider using personally, or in your business, or for you, your business and your team, to help motivate, inspire and achieve great results. Recognition: Designed to inspire, unify and value our teams to retain top performance to gain the best results. Recognising our team members

How Do You Start Your Day?

Do you start the day with clear purpose and intentions? Would you like to create days that will benefit you and others each day? Let’s see how we can start new habits to begin creating a purposeful day. Living each day with a purpose and intention allows you to navigate your day by beginning it with awareness rather than being oblivious of what the meaning of our day could be which will enable you to avoid potential knee-jerk reactions. Instead, imagine you are driving a car, feeling in control with both hands on the wheel with a clear destination in mind. You might start with setting an intention to connect with others or fulfil a meaning into your day. Whatever you have in mind, starting your day the right way with a 5-10-minute session of relaxation with your eyes closed picturing what your day could and should look like. Try

Is Time and Fear Stunting Your Business Growth?

Could this be your year of growth?Would you like it to be your year of growth?Have you dedicated time towards growing your business?Do you have time to spare to dedicate working ON your business? If you’ve answered yes to the first two questions and no to the last two questions, then read on if you think it is now time to start investing in yourself! Time: This can be our enemy or our friend. We know we want time off, time to reflect, time to think, time to know ourselves better, time to know our business better. BUT we use the excuse of not having time and worse still don’t make the time. Fear: Fear can also be our enemy and one of the biggest obstacles or barriers we have, however, more often than not the fears are perceived and not real, and these can hinder us from stepping outside

How Much FUN Do You Have!?

FormulateUniqueNew & Renew It’s funny isn’t it that when we think of the word ‘fun’ we think of something that is enjoyable, something that entertains us, and something that gives us pleasure. I see F-U-N as being an acronym that can still be enjoyable, entertain you and give you pleasure, and that’s thinking about how creative you can be either personally or in your business to ensure you are keeping ahead of your competition, or just wanting to be ahead of the game to keep up with the forever changing needs, particularly in the current climate. Let’s look at the acronym in more detail to see how you can have fun and F-U-N! F = Formulate To be able to formulate something, we must first create an idea or plan of which to design or develop, and to prepare this to a standard or level we are happy with before

It’s Just a Big No No Sometimes Isn’t It?

How many of these ‘no’s’ might you answer ‘yes’ to? No energyNo inclinationNo time We know we have ‘must do’ jobs to do and what we need to do that’s necessary in any given day, but often we procrastinate for all sorts of reasons and sometimes because we are suffering from some of the ‘no’s’ listed above! It becomes a vicious circle, a cycle, a merry-go-round that sometimes we can’t get off to change what we are doing, even although we know to do so will help us become more productive and achieve daily tasks and strategic goals. Here are some ‘N’s’ which you can consider working through to help you address those ‘no’s’ above: Now: This is the only time we have available to us, the present moment, rather than putting something off until tomorrow or another time. By changing our thinking and our mindset we can see that

How Productive Are You Right Now?

Do you find you are busy rather than productive? It’s interesting that Albert Einstein is quoted as saying “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” There’s a lot to be said about being busy doing nothing, or nothing of value and feeling you’ve been unproductive at the end of the day! We know we should do the hard jobs first and the easy ones later but doing what we should and what we want are two different things! There’s a saying by Franz Kafka that says “Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.”, and pretty much this is true in that we can become more successful and productive if we keep learning and remaining focused on the task in hand as well as our long-term goals. We sometimes feel we should or need to do more, when

Habits for Success!

Do you often have that feeling of ‘why’ do I do this and ‘what’ made me do that, or ‘how’ could I have reacted in that way? As a business coach and mentor probably one of the most common words I use is ‘why’! If we asked ourselves what stops us achieving, doing things we’ve dreamed off, taking ourselves outside our comfort zone, we would have to admit it’s nearly always us! We limit ourselves by telling ourselves we can’t do something, or good things never happen to us, always to others. This continued negative belief creates barriers to us even trying let alone achieving. I thought it might be helpful to share FOUR insightful questions you could ask yourselves to establish your habits for success. 1. Self-Sabotage – Do you? How often? Why? Instead, ask yourself what you could do instead to break the pattern, to create a different

Strengths and Stresses

Imagine if I asked you right now, what your three biggest stresses are. I’m sure you would find it easy to identify these. Whilst, if I asked you to tell me what your three biggest strengths are you would struggle to answer the question easily, and almost need coerced into describing these in full. Why do we do that? How does that help us? When we do this how does it make us feel? What message are we giving ourselves? When we’re feeling pressured, unproductive, perhaps overwhelmed and generally frustrated about things not going the way we want, the last thing we’re going to be able to focus on are the positives, our strengths, what we might have done well. Instead, we focus on what we didn’t do well or what’s gone wrong instead and stress about it. We know that stress is a state of mental or emotional strain

Pausing to Reflect

Could we have ever imagined things would be as they are and will be for the short, medium and perhaps long-term. Given all the changes that have taken place over the last three months or so have caused us all to reflect on our situations, what has happened and what might happen. What I’ve heard from some clients is that they haven’t felt as productive as they normally are, feeling more emotional and tired. For other clients, what would have seemed totally impossible or unworkable i.e. working from home, and been a struggle to start with, oddly has started to become more manageable and felt to be better than before, with some really enjoying less travel for example. We’ve moved from a solid platform to shifting sands which has caused us all, I’m sure, to reflect on ourselves, our relationships, highlight our weaknesses and strengths which have come to the

Actions and Intentions

There’s a great proverb that reads “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” which means that it is not enough to simply mean to do well, one must take action to do well. Easier said than done isn’t it? What do intentions and actions mean? Actions are activities we do or the acts we carry out that are measured by their completionIntentions are goals or plans to be carried out with a purpose and a reason or objectives Most of us are the same, in that we can have great intentions of what we want to do often procrastinating and not carrying out what we intended. Here are SIX steps to use to help you fulfil your goals and be accountable. Write down your intentions – If you just think about your intentions without writing them down, you’re less likely to action them. Writing them down documents are